My thought in mirror

failed sheep counting session

The beautiful thing about love
is giving it away, selflessly.
You give away part of yourself;
without having the certainty
it will spring up at some point
and bloom unexpectedly;
your soul does not count it as loss;
but is watered with hope
that the seed you selflessly gave away,
will eventually bring up fruit
at some given time in life,
and bless the receiver of your gift;
and the seed you planted
will somehow come back
in unexpected times and ways.


The hardest thing about grief
is that it comes unannounced and never leaves.
It doesn’t even introduce itself
as being a surgeon of some sort;
but bursts into your life,
unnecessarily cuts open your heart
and forgets to sew it back together;
out of a sudden you see
you are being cut off from your dreams,
from the way life was supposed to be.
In the blink of an eye
the whole universe passes by.
There’s no more reasons left to believe
that the love you gave away,
will have a come back someday,
or bring any sort of fruit in this life.
And you find yourself wonder:
did I planted enough,
did I give away myself enough,
did I do my best, was I enough
to make that someone know
how much more love
they should have been showered with,
how much more deserving were they
of a Christ centred, unconditional,
everlasting love and appreciation?

Just when you thought
you reached the bottom of
what deepest pain could feel like,
another wonder shows up
in the window of your already numbed heart;
and you can’t help but ask yourself
if you have let them down
just by not loving enough,
not giving enough, not cherishing enough
not covering them enough
in that embrace of acceptance of no matter what;
the same embrace you’ve been covered with
by Christ.

And just like that
a river of question marks
can take you to a level of grief and pain
that you have never known exists
and which you can’t even feel yet
because your heart is still numb. 

And while you body lays down,
your mind sleeps wide awake
trying to face the never-ending ache
of all the chances you lost
to do your best, to be the best, to love the best,
to give your best and even more if possible;
no sheep to count for this wounded heart tonight.
But plenty of “whats”, and “ifs”,
and “maybes” and“perhapses”.

and when I lose count
and give up on trying
to organise the question marks in my mind
I remember that despite of me failing to love,
to give, to be, and to do enough,
He keeps count of all the hairs on my head tonight.
Therefor He also keeps track of my every question mark.


#139weeks #139weekscloser #Maranatha #ComeSoonerDearLord

My thought in mirror

Asemănare & Sărbătoare

M-a privit lung..
s-a apropiat și ne-am salutat
apoi m-a îmbrățișat parcă cu ezitare:
“Când zâmbești, parcă îl văd.. știi tu… tatăl tău.. Iartă-mă..
..dar și când stai serioasă, tot cu el semeni.”

Știam. Mi s-a mai spus. Dar azi, parcă mi s-a spus pentru prima oară. De parcă nu mai auzisem niciodată cât de mult semănăm, aș fi vrut să nu se oprească din a enumera trăsăturile fetei mele care îi aminteau de tata.. dar ochii mei probail m-au trădat și de data asta.

Deși am început anul nou de 5 zile, până azi parcă încă nu începuse. Ceva parcă lipsea? Sau poate faptul ca e prima zi în care sunt liniștită și simt că mă odihnesc.. sau poate..? În ce alt mod aș putea să-mi fi dorit să închei primul sabat din 2019 decât cu un așa compliment?

De 30 de luni, prin ochii meii calendarul se vede altfel. Zilele se măsoară în momente, săptămânile în amintiri și am învățat să le număr în sens invers. Dintr-o dată, ceea ce erau doar numere pe hârtie au devenit comori în timp. Și timpul trecut, ba chiar cel prezent, acum are diferite unități de măsură. Când paharul de dor se prea umple și ajunge să dea peste, când inima-mi e îngenunchiată de prea multă povară, atunci aleg să măsor timpul cu unități de măsură care să arate spre veșnicie. Chiar dacă se întâmplă ca obrajii să îmi fie brăzdați câteodată de dâre sărate, aleg să mă gândesc la marea de cristal (dacă e mare, atunci trebuie să fie și sărată, nu?). Când inima îmi este îngenunchiată de prea mult, de prea dor, aleg să îmi amintesc de faptul că timpul petrecut pe genunchi e ca privitul pe fereastră. De ce privitul pe fereastră, te intrebi. Știu, de departe poate părea o pierdere de timp, un lucru inutil și poate fanatic. Dar ai încercat vre-odată să-ți lași ochii să se odihnească privind un vârf de munte, sau un apus glorios, sau un răsărit corolat? Sau poate o pădure de conifere ninse, sau fulgi jucăiși în lumina lunii? Dacă nu accepți să mi te alături la fereastră, poți irosii mult timp, și energie și judecăți încercând să mă convingi că privitul pe fereastră este pierdere de timp. Nu ai cum să guști din magia pierderii mele de timp dacă nu accepți măcar să încerci să te apropii de fereastra prin care sufletul meu e renăscut. Dar până atunci pot doar să îți povestesc cum în momentele petrecute așa, la fereastră, pe genunchi, sufletul meu se reîncarcă.

Așa se face că atunci când inima începe iar să lăcrimeze, aleg dorul, dragul, recunoștința și credința să-mi îmbrățișeze toate celelalte trăiri și să le limpezească. Acum, ori de câte ori sunt tentată să mă gândesc că au trecut 30 de luni de când inima lui a încetat să bată, aleg să mă gândesc că sunt cu 30 luni mai aproape de reuniunea cea mare. Evident că asta nu poate aduce instant vindecare amorțelii din inimă, nici nu usucă ochii mai repede, nici nu face povara mai ușoară. Dar îndulcește zilele. Și astfel, având ochii îndreptați spre veșnicie parcă momentul revederii nu se mai simte atât de departe. Și-așa, amorțită dar visătoare și plină de speranță, mă prind cu și mai mult drag de amintiri.. și toate, mici sau mari, recente sau de demult, sunt demne de împodobit memoria cu ele.

Când sufletul ți-e zdrobit în 1000 de bucăți sub povara prea grea a unei pierderi, îți rămân două variante: fie poți să te concentrezi pe durere, fie poți să lași durerea să fie înconjurată de bucurie și speranța. Poți să alegi să te concentrezi pe cât de mult doare să-ți simți sufletul, ca-ntr-o oglinda, zdrobit în 1000 de bucâți sau poți să alegi bucuria, recunoștința, speranța și să îți legi rănile cu ele. Aleg să mă bucur de fiecare detaliu al amintirilor pe care le am cu tata. Ele sunt o moștenire de neprețuit. Aleg recunoștința pentru că știu că am avut un tată fantastic, un om cu iubire de oameni și de Dumnezeu și un exemplu de dragoste a cărui izvor nu putea fi decât în Hristos. Așa că în loc să mă concentrez pe durere, regret și teamă, aleg să le simt prin prisma recunoștinței pentru momentele frumoase pe care le-am trăit cu el înainte ca inima lui să înceteze să mai bată. Și aleg speranța. Da, speranța. Cred ca este cea mai puternică forță, din univers, după dragoste. Speranța revederii și încrederea în promisiunile lui Dumnezeu este probabil cel mai bun superglue din lume, care e in stare să păstreze inima în formă și funcțională deși vorbim de 1000 de bucatețe care par că se vor împrăștia cu cea mai delicată mișcare.

Așa se face că la mine în calendar este sărbătoare. Nu fac postare pe facebook sau pe blog pentru fiecare aniversare ce o serbez. Deși extraverta din mine ar vrea să urle de pe acoperiș fiecare trăire care mă încearcă, am învățat că unele lucruri se simt mai bine în taină. Și asta, nu din egoism sau vre-un semn de traziție spre introvertism.. ci din teamă. Da, probabil ridici din sprancene pentru că noi ăștia sangvinii avem tendința de a crea o imagine de invincibili. Dar ghici ce, nu suntem. Și da, știm și noi ce este teama. Aici este vorba de teama aceea.. că un lucru de preț, deși împărtășit cu toată inima, odată făcut auzibil ajunge să își piardă din valoare. Nu pentru că împărtășindu-l s-ar putea cumva împuțina, sau că s-ar devaloriza făcând parte și altuia de el. Ci pentru că împărtășindu-l s-ar putea să nu fie privit cu prețuirea ce i se cuvine, ba chiar poate disprețuit într-un anume fel. Cu toate astea, așa suntem noi sangvinii, noi trăim să împărtășim, pentru că prin împartpșit deschidem ușa sufletului nostru și arătăm în același timp că ne pasă; ce e drept, prea mult uneori.

Dar azi, vreau să sărbătoresc cu zgomot. Nu vreau să mă gândesc la teamă. Vreau să fac zgomot nu ca să mă laud ci pentru că bucuria neîmpărtășită e tristă. Vreau să pot sărbători cu zgomot, dar nu e acelasi zgomot vesel care sună a chiuitură. Ci mai degrabă azi, o să fie zgomotul tastaturii care mă ajută să materializez sărbătoritul de azi în gânduri așternute pe hârtie. Ei bine, e drept, hârtie virtuală.

Deși poate părea sumbru, azi eu sărbătoresc. Sărbătoresc bogăția de amintiri pe care tata le-a lăsat în urmă, felul în care el a trăit pentru Dumnezeu și determinarea cu care a lucrat, pentru ca oamenii cu care intra în contact să cunoască adevărul și dragostea lui Dumnezeu pentru ei. Azi, sărbătoresc minunea faptului că în mine port o parte din el, iar cei din jur văzându-mă își pot aminti de viața și misiunea lui. Și mai mult decât atât, sărbătoresc faptul că moștenirea pe care mi-a lăsat-o rămâne ca o busolă care îmi amintește că suntem călători pe acest pământ și că misiunea noastră este să arătăm lumii direcția Cerului.

Vreau să stii, dragă cititorule, că durerea, bucuria, sărbătoarea, plânsul, zâmbetul, căderea pe genunchi și pacea pot să coexiste și fac viața sa fie, deși imperfectă, un mare motiv de sărbătoare. Rugăciunea mea pentru anul în care am intrat este aceasta: deși poate nu va fi întotdeauna ușor, să nu ne oprim din a găsi motive de recunoștință și sărbătoare. Eu vreau să văd binecuvântare în fiecare crăpătură a inimii mele, mă rog să pot să trăiesc cu pasiune, să iubesc necondiționat, să vorbesc mai puțin și să-mi pese prea mult, să îl iubesc pe Dumnezeu așa cum a făcut-o tata și să mă lipesc atât de mult de EL, încât nimic din lumea asta să nu mă poată distrage și să pot ajunge să mi se spună, cum am auzit astăzi: “Când mă uit la felul cum trăiești, parcă îl văd pe Tatăl tău ceresc.”

My thought in mirror


the corner of the bred
the perfect polished shoes
the rides to work
the best stories anyone can hear
the best place to sleep
the warmest jacket in town
the coldest pillow in the house
the tickling attacks at night
the jumping out of your chair
the last piece of pie
the sleeping on the floor
the protective look in the eye.
how could I ever forgive you
for so gracefully leaving me
with no option of ever
seeing love at lower hight?

But today I decided:
I will forgive you
For sleeping in peace
while I am still trying to sort out
how to keep on counting the weeks.


My thought in mirror

open letter to my first love

          Yes, you got it right.  This post it’s dedicated to my first love.
          It’s funny how people change. Isn’t it? A while ago I was very confident in that fact that there is no such thing as love at first sight and that all this worldly clichés on love are just garbage. But you know what? Today, I found myself thinking about my first love and realising that it’s actually true what they say: “You will never forget your first love”. And even harder to believe is I really don’t want to forget him.
          If you know me a little more, you probably already wonder: “What in the world is going on with this girl?!”. I always said that there is not such thing as love at first sight. And I was never afraid of saying it out loud. But now, I don’t totally agree with myself anymore. And that’s not because I fell in love the first moment I saw him, but because he did. See, I don’t remember the first time I saw him, nor the second or the third.. but the amazing part of this is that he does. They say that we actually met a lot before I actually have memories of him. But knowing what I know now, I am sure it didn’t take me long until I fell for him.  My first memories of him are very vague.. I don’t remember how he came into my life but what I do remember is this handsome, strong, funny man being around me. And looking back I know it felt like he was perfectly fitting in my picture. I never questioned his presence in my life and it felt like he has always been there. And maybe he has? I don’t know how it all started but I just remembered I adored being around him. He made me feel safe and protected, he cared for me and loved me dearly. He has a good sense of humour, always made me laugh, has this strong personality (of course, he is a choleric!). He has this gift of making people like him at first sight. I don’t even know many people like that. He has a face that once you seen it, you can not forget it. I wonder how come I didn’t fell for him the moment I saw him. Or maybe I did, but I can not recall that?!
 Besides always making me smile and laugh he was the man I could look up to. And I don’t mean that because he was tall (he seemed tall enough for me, but he was not a tall man) but he was a man I could look up to spiritually. I remembered being fascinated of how God talked through him, how he talked to and about God and how he loved God. Well, let’s say he was the old fashioned man any girl dreams for: that kind of guy that opens doors for you, takes you home in the evening (by car or by foot, depending on what he’s got at hand), makes sure you arrive home safely, carries your backpack or luggage, gives you a hand to hold unto when the road gets difficult, doesn’t let you carry the groceries, fixes all your technical problems around the house, caring and loving, protective, affectionate, with a good sense of humour, a man of high values and character, with a strong personal relationship with God, with a heart bigger than his chest and a great love for God and for others. 
         Now, imagine the most generous person you have ever met. Imagine a person that doesn’t care that much about their own comfort but for whom you are the priority, your health, your safety, your well-being andimage happiness. A man that is willing to give it all for you; a man that is ready to give away all he has – cloths, shoes, car, time, energy, smiles, sleep, etc to make others happy and to show them God’s love. Someone who is willing to fulfil any of your wishes – according to his power. Well this is my guy: not thinking twice when it’s about other people’s needs ( he once gave away his only church shoes just because he met someone that had none). And don’t picture him as a business man ‘coz he is not. He is a mission minded man who is willing give up anything just so the Love of Christ can reach other souls. He is the guy that has no shame in talking to strangers, picking up people from the side of the road, receiving them in his house, sharing with them his food, car, house, and last but not least, the Gospel. How could one resist and not fall in love with such a guy? This is the guy I fell in love with: a man for whom to live meant to love with all his heart.
          Oh the memories..  I remember how this guy trusted me enough to let me learn to drive on his car (not on public roads of course), I remember him spoiling me and calling me sweet names, I remember wrestling with him and laughing until our cheeks and belly muscles would hurt, I remember wiping my forehead when he would give me an unexpected kiss or fighting with him when he would want to give me a kiss on the cheek, telling him that he needs to shave that beard, I remember enjoying together ice scream in our small town (until someone informed him that is actually not healthy).
          I remember that he traveled very often. Once, he was away for 3 months. I remember how much I missed him those months. I was always carrying his picture with me wherever I went and sometimes my mom would find me crying while holding his picture. I remember he came back on a Friday. Ah! Feels like yesterday. This girl, was the happiest girl on the planet. When we went to church that sabbath, I did not leave his side. I remember how proud I felt holding unto his arm. He was my knight in shining armour. Well, maybe not exactly armour. More like a nice suit and a nice tie. And he did look very handsome!
         If Mara, my 5 years old niece, could read the lines above she would have already ask me: “So why don’t you marry him?” (the other week she asked her mom, Naomi – my sister: “Why is Sarah not married yet?” Well I don’t know where she gets this ideas but I would like to think that high fever had a contribution there :D). I don’t blame you if you already wonder what happened and why am I still single if I met the perfect man? Why did I let him go? Well..dear reader, as a matter of fact I did not let him go. He is still very much a big part of my life. But let’s go back to my story..
         I was telling you about the reunion day. Oh, my soul was filled with explosive joy. I remember that day like it was yesterday and the great feeling the reunion gives to one’s soul. I remember feeling like I wanted to scream out loud from the bottom of my lungs how much I missed and loved this guy. I remember looking around, looking up at him and telling myself: when I grow up, I’m gonna marry someone just like him!
         Oh, why I didn’t marry him? Well I can not marry him because I still have to share him with 4 other women: my mom and my two other sisters… and with my niece too (I tell you, she is very much in love with him!!!). And because he loved my mom enough to marry her, that’s how I came into this world… and the rest is history 😉 
          So… yah! The perfect man exists, ladies but he is taken! But to anyone who is loosing hope on finding the perfect man, I tell you, there are real gentlemen out there. Is just a matter of time, patience and faith to see them.
        To my first and only love,
        Happy Belated Birthday!
        I will always love you and cherish your example and sacrifice. I pray that as time passes by you will grow even stronger in faith, in love for God and for mom and in kindness and patience 🙂
Love you to the rainbow and back!
Always did! Always will 🙂
Your forever noisy and crazy troublemaker youngest daughter,

Others thought in the mirror.

Where do I look?

Visiting my grandpa for a couple of days.

Today, in church ⛪️, I hear the noise of a plastic bag coming from nearby. I look 👀 with the corner of my eye and notice an older lady 👵🏼searching through her purse 👜. It was right at the beginning of the divine service. I think to myself: I hope it’s something that can’t wait.

Few minutes later, she stretched her arm towards me. I can sense it in my left side but i can not distinguish what she is trying to do. I am thinking that she might be checking my church coat (and was thinking of how to tell her – it’s an old outdated one). I smile and continue to look forward, towards the pulpit as the sermon was still going. I feel her hand insisting on my left side. I look and I understand she wants me to open my hand. She drops some candy 🍬 in my open hand. My face drops: that’s why she kept making that noise… (Not that it could not wait!!!). I put my indignation aside as I try to show my appreciation for her kind gesture… she wanted to give me some candy… I wait until the program is finished to say thank you. I approach her and try to make a joke telling her that when I was a kid, older people always would hand out candy to kids at church. So since she shared some with me, I take that as a compliment. She looks into my eyes and says: “When your mother misses your father, she can just look at you and then she will miss him a bit less.”

…….. if there were still words left, I would have probably asked: “And where should I look when I miss him?”

P.S. Now, that I can look back at it all, I can not help but wonder for a second what would dad have to say if he could hear or read this.. And almost instantly I become certain of what he would have most probably reply. It’s so real I can almost hear him: “You should look towards Jesus, my dear Săruc.”

So today, I chose to keep looking forward.
Heaven ward!

Thankful for every token of His love through this valley of grief and silent pain, grateful for every sweet reminder that looking towards Him is the only way forward.

So, let’s keep on keeping our heads up, our eyes lifted and focused on Him!
Heaven can’t come soon enough 🙂

My thought in mirror


So many times I have asked myself… what is happiness?
I have searched in the books, I tried to dig in the ground, I searched at night contemplating the stars, I looked for it in people.. but nothing seemed to define something strong, pure, invincible and unbreakable, something that would last.

Than, when I was about to give up, the answer came to me by itself.

*drums please*
Tadaaaa: Obedience.
That’s what I was looking for. This is something I got to understand about two years ago in the beautiful peaceful morning runs I used to have in Honduras. God spoke to me that morning in an amazing way, talking about Abraham, who was called a friend of God: “But Abraham does not reason; he obeys.”
Obedience towards God is what brings happiness into your life. Why you might ask..or how is that possible? Well.. God is your designer. He knows how you function and he knows what you need. He knows what the future holds and he knows you inside out. He knows you and loves you and most than anyone on this world, he wants the best for you.
Knowing that he knows you and how you work naturally brings us to the conclusion that he has to have written instructions. Sure He has done that. He never would have leave us in darkness. We do have an instruction book. We just need the willingness, curiosity and desire to open it, the patience to read it and pay attention to its directions, the humbleness to follow and obey, apply it into our daily lives.

Here are some very simple but precious words from Mother Teresa.
“People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” | Mother Theresa
Forgive, be kind, succeed, be honest, be sincere, be creative, live happily, make good choices, give the best of you. For you don’t do it to gain man approval but you do them because you are a child of God and because His love brings the best out of you and following His will in your life in total obedience brings true ever lasting peace and happiness to your soul.

Happiness is fulfilling God’s will in your life; being in total obedience towards his commandments; being forgiven just as we forgive others; being kind and not expecting anything back; being honest not because we want to impress or with a hidden agenda but because we can not be other than honest and sincere people; use your God given brain, be creative, spread joy and happiness around you; give to everyone, share love, smiles and compassion; but the most, give God the glory..and yourself. There’s no safer way to be.

My thought in mirror

Letters to Winter { december }

Dear Winter { december },

Remind me not to forget remembering..

Until today, whenever I forgot where I put the phone I was blaming the fact that I had no phone in the past year and a half. I got used with no phone to worry about. Makes sense, right? But meeting a stranger who remembers the fact that more than 7 years ago I was buying something from her store preparing to go on a trip to Africa made me wonder… maybe there is something wrong with me?! Is there a memory pill to make you remember all the things worth remembering (like remembering where you put your phone or not to burn the food or why you walk in a room, or to remember the fact that you were supposed to skype with a friend)?

I want to remember!!!
I truly, honestly, sincerely do want to remember..

* that life is precious.
* behind every face there is a human having a lot of battles to fight everyday.
* the nice young lady named just like my sister, I met in one of those days you feell like everything is against you – she restored my optimism about humanity.
* the name of the stranger with whom I shared about my amazing God in the 12 hours flight from Madrid to San Jose, Costa Rica.
* to love all, trust few and to do wrong to nobody.
* to always stay humble because anything that I did, I am doing or I will accomplish in this world is just through the grace and love of Chirst.
* the face and smile of a cute hondurian girl that offered me a pink beautiful flower in one of my last sabbaths in El Suyatal, March 2014.
* never to have expectations from anyone: expectation is the root of all heartaches.
* there might be times when people will hurt you but you should still love them.
* the sweet nice gesture of the gentleman that opened the door for me and offered to help me with my luggage (yah, I know!!! wired, ha? But yes, men that open the door for a woman still exist, ladies!!! )
* the day I visited my sister when she was in the hospital with her daughter and how much faith her face was radiating.
* the lives of real heroes are marked by integrity, simplicity and loyalty to God.
* the day my dad got in the hospital and how much I regretted at that point that I din’t remind him more often: “you worry about yourself” (you can see HERE where I got inspired from with this)
* to seek first the Kingdom of God.
* the day I thought my 2nd year in university was ruined because of the room mate I got (I didn’t know her personally but for some reasons was the last person I wanted to share a room with) turned out to be the day I gained one of the best friends I could ask for and a person that helped me grow in so many ways.
* that february morning in Honduras, when God spoke very clear to me that I should not reason so long but obey His commandments.
* the day I understood so clear that as long as I am following God’s will and I am honest with myself and Him, there will be people that will judge and condamn you – but still, remain faithful.
* the day my favorite ant shared with me the fact that she was expecting a baby – and she told me that on my birthday!! (I’m sorry, dear Cori! I forgot it so easily and few months later I asked you why didn’t I know anything about you growing a watermelon in your belly 😦 …)
* the days my sis, Naomi was putting time aside to play with me with my dolls – even though she was old enough not to do that sport anymore.
* the day I got my favorite bath glove from Terri thinking that I got it from my guardian angel – oh wait, she is like my guardian angels (that’s what mothers and mother figures are! Right?)
* to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
* to put God first whatever the cost.
* the day I thought my world was falling apart but turned out to be the day God was able to start fulfilling His purpose for me.
* people change but never give up on believing in them; pray for them and their salvation.
* always depend on God and God only.
* the only person from whom you should have the highest expectations is yourself.
* always love people UNCONDITIONALLY.
* kids are the best teachers so would be great not to underestimate what they can teach you about life.
* I always wanted to work for God no matter where He would call me.
* when I was 14 I made a promise to God that I surrender the pen to Him so He can write my life story as He knows it’s the best.
* always to respond with love.
* be slow to speak.
* my favorite aunty from my dad side that always spoiled me with everything she could..
* fill my mind with God’s word – is the best training for the brain and develops, expands and fortifies the mind.
* it is not a shame to cry – tears have the power to clean the eyes and soul so you can see better.
* that the secret to keep your feet warm are the wool socks handmade by you grandma.
* character is all that we will take with us in heaven.
* don’t forget to smile – makes people around you smile back. Maybe not at first try but in time they will respond – that’s how we are made, to imitate.
* my treasure is not on this earth, neither my home.
* I only own this second, and I can chose what to do with it, but the next one is in God’s hands; and that’s the safest place to be.
* sing often; when happy, angry, sad, when tempted, sing – makes the devil hate your company.
* that a mother’s care & love is like no other in this world (except for God’s).
* never to settle for less than God’s best for me.
* what is not everlasting, is forever useless.
* we only live once – so we better make it count.
*don’t let the need of God’s friendship be filled with people’ company or entertainment – it will ruin your soul.
* if the things done in the dark would make you blush in the light then are not things worth having in your life.
* to fall in love with God daily.
* God answers prayers.. we just need to pray more.


And please, if there is anything I forgot.. remind me to not forget remembering.

My thought in mirror

Letters to Autumn { September }


I almost forgot how beautiful you can be.

I forgot how the nature gets beautifully painted in the colors of the rainbow. It warms my heart just to look at you. Orange, yellow, green and brown leaves are covering the earth but the most fascinating for me are the red ones…they are rare but you can see them from afar.

The colorfulness of the nature means that it is in the process of dying and it reminds me that sin has still dominion over our planet. But I’m amazed by the elegance and beauty of dying leaves. I know, right? How can there be any beauty in death?

Well my dear, the most beautiful death I know of, is that of Someone who chose to give up his life, to make sure I can live. Sounds crazy, ha? But yes, in order for the spring leaves to be able to grow, other leaves have to die in the autumn..

My life would have not been the same without Him, deciding to pay with His own life. Is mind blowing thinking that this amazing Man brought color and sunshine in every gray sky of every single person He met. And if this was not mind blowing enough for you, take that: He gave life and hope and healing to EVERY SINGLE person He met. And as if this was not enough, imagine this: He impacted people’s lives long before He lived on our planet and is still impacting our lives today and will continue to do it until the end of time. Still making a difference even after He left. Through His death, He paints every single grey sky of ours. With the prince of his own life He made it possible that today, we can live with the hope for a better life, future, and world. He is giving us hope for a bright new beginning. That’s why I love sunrises.

God might like colors. I wonder what is his favorite?.. He might like red – the color of ultimate sacrifice and perfect love.

Tonight I felt like a child overwhelmed by so much beauty: the sky on fire, the clouds looked like somebody forgot to turn them off, the trees started to get rusty and yellow and red and orange, the lonely bench by the forest, the quietness of the wind..

It’s interesting how even though all the trees are green during summer, when you come, dear Autumn, not all the leaves turn the same color..

And talking about colors.. Oh how blessed I am! I do not deserve it but I am blessed with people that add so much color to my life. You know, those kind of people that stop by and write a sweet message on your wall ( oh, I’m sorry, you don’t have Facebook..but don’t be sad, it’s a gain! People that love you will find a way to let you know that they care in any other way), or roommates that just spontaneously write you encouraging messages and share quotes with you, ask questions, wait for the answers, take the time to listen, share their thoughts, or dear people that care more about listening to you (even late in the night) than going to sleep (despite having to show up at work the next day).

Today, I was reminded of death and life. When I die, If I die, I want to be remembered as someone that planted the seeds of peace and of His unfailing love. I wish I would be remembered as that girl that added color in other people’s lives, with the color of salvation shining through..

..But until then, if I may be excused, need to go meet the Great Artist to refill my paint buckets 🙂
